In the UK, paleontologists found the skull of a “sea tyrannosaurus” (6 photos)

Category: Archeology, PEGI 0+
14 December 2023

Sometimes it seems that people have explored all the most hidden corners of the planet and unraveled all its secrets. And every time paleontologists convince us of the opposite. In the UK, the skull of a “sea tyrannosaurus” was found off the Jurassic Coast in the south of the country. The length of the giant head is 183 centimeters. By the way, it is one of the best preserved ones discovered to date. Let's find out the details of this amazing find.

British paleontologists found this skull of an ancient sea lizard pliosaur. Scientists hope to be able to find the rest of the skull (which is huge) in the area where the skull was discovered.

The monster's teeth alone can be terrifying. This species had 130 of these in its arsenal! Pay attention to the relief - such hollows allowed pliosaurs to quickly pull their fangs out of the victim’s body to make the next attack.

The bite force of this sea reptile was 33 thousand newtons - 8 times stronger than that of a lion, and 2 times that of a saltwater crocodile. Only the Tyrannosaurus rex bit harder.

This is what the pliosaur might have looked like at the time of its power.

Here's what Dr. Andre Rowe from the University of Bristol says about him:

The animal would be so massive that I think it could effectively hunt anything that happened to be within its reach. Without a doubt, it was an underwater T-Rex.

Here's a comparison with a person.

The length of the pliosaur could reach 12 meters. It had four powerful, flipper-like limbs at its disposal, allowing it to move at high speed. And you've already seen his teeth. The perfect predator!

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