A woman on the beach found a skeleton that looks like an alien or a mermaid (2 photos)

Category: Archeology, PEGI 16
17 July 2023

In Australia, a woman was looking for a place to camp on the beach, but instead found the skeleton of an amazing creature.

It happened on the shores of Keppel Sandsey (Queensland). Bobbi-Lee Oates, who discovered the remains, was shocked by the find.

The length of the strange creature was approximately 1.8 meters. It had a long body, chest, spine and skull, especially frightened the woman because he looked like a human.

"We were immediately confused about what the hell it was. maybe and why does it resemble a human skull? skull had an elongated jawline and hair that resembled the color of a cow or kangaroo, but in many places there was no hair due to decomposition. He was exactly like a mermaid, but furry because he had a tail or some kind of ending - we were shocked because at first he looked in a human way,” Oates said.

She shared her find with social media users. Some have suggested that this is a mermaid or an ordinary dugong. Also pictures researched by a specialist from the UK.

"He looks like a small cetacean to me. I don't not familiar with the area, nor with what species usually live there, so I can’t move on,” the head of Zoological Society of London Rob Deville.

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