How the tallest woman in the world copes with domestic difficulties (9 photos)

7 February 2023

Turkish Rumeisa Gelgi with a height of 215 cm is officially recognized as the most the tallest living woman in the world. She has a rare genetic disease and disability, but she tries to steadfastly overcome all difficulties, including domestic ones. For example, instead of a blouse, she has to buy a dress, and on the plane you need to book six seats and make flight on a stretcher.

In an interview with 7Life, Rumeisa Gelgi said that her life has never been easy, and described what she has to collide.

Guinness World Record: Rumeisa Gelga's height is 215.16 cm, measured on May 23, 2021

A 26-year-old woman has a rare genetic disease - syndrome Weaver, because of which she can move either on a wheelchair chair or using a walker. She owes her abnormal growth precisely this disease.

Growth imposes certain restrictions. hard to pick up clothes of the right size - either sew in an atelier, or buy clothes special brands "for tall", or somehow get out using dresses as blouses and altering things.

There are also problems with furniture and you have to make it to order. Not only beds, but also tables and chairs.

Traveling by car, according to Rumeisa, due to her physical state is simply impossible. She has to be transported in a van, where you can stretch to your full height.

Traveling by air also always seemed impossible, since sitting upright for no longer than two or three hours is not possible.

But last year, Rumeisa managed to solve the problem of a long flight. with Turkish Air. She was allowed to book six places where she could lie on a special stretcher, and she went to the USA to fulfill her dream of living and working in this country.

This was the first time that a stretcher was used for a passenger, traveling on a general basis, since they are usually intended for ambulance passengers only.

Rumeisa moved to California to continue her career in as a web developer, and said that now she dreams of some holiday in the UK. After all, the solution to the problem of air travel for it exists and has even been tested.

Weaver syndrome causes excessive bone growth and is diagnosed only in 50 people worldwide. The disease was diagnosed in Rumeisa in four months old. By the time she was six years old, she was already 172 cm tall and felt like a child locked in body of an adult.

When a girl entered puberty, she previously prescribed treatment aimed at ensuring that she quickly reached its final growth. According to Rumeisa, without these drugs, she could be even higher than now.

The disease brought her many health problems, from vice heart to severe scoliosis, due to which her spine rods and screws were inserted to relieve pressure on the back.

However, she never lost heart and did her best to to make your life better. Rumeisa says she has always been ambitious person: for example, at the age of 17 she noticed that the holder of the title of the tallest teenager in the world below her. filed bid for the title and won.

She studied at home, in between hospitals. "It wasn't easy. I didn't have friends because I was very different from my children. age, but I managed,” she admits. And adds that her Her parents and teachers were her biggest support.

In 2021, Rumeisa Gilgi was named the tallest woman in the world. world, and last year she received the title of record holder in the nominations "largest hands", "longest fingers" and "longest back".

The tallest woman in the world does not hesitate and openly talks about of his life with Weaver syndrome and in the media, and in social networks, and intime public speaking. She hopes she can get attention public and tell more about the rare disease that affected almost every aspect of her life.

"I also want to show people that you should not judge others only by their appearance. I believe that negativity can always be turned into positive," she says.

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