Botox king: the ugly death of a handsome doctor (7 photos)

10 November 2023

This man gave thousands of other people the opportunity to prolong youth and beauty. But gratitude turned out to be specific.

Be beautiful and young, otherwise you will fall out of the picture and lose everything. This rule is now followed by many, especially media personalities, for whom appearance plays an important role.

Frederick in his youth

But neither sport, nor diet, nor a healthy lifestyle can create a miracle and turn back time. And people resort to more radical measures - improvement. The foundations of which were laid by Frederick Sheldon Brandt.

The boy was born in 1949 in New Jersey. From childhood he was interested in medicine, so the choice of profession became obvious for Frederick.

After working for some time at a cancer center after receiving his diploma, Brandt opened his own plastic surgery office in Miami. The doctor became one of the first and certainly the most famous in such a field as cosmetic injections. He tirelessly experimented with formulations, technologies and techniques, came up with several effective natural-based products and constantly worked with Botox, trying to improve and prolong the effect of its use. He even received a corresponding nickname in the press - Doctor Botox.

Brandt's clients included Madonna, Donna Karan, Calvin Klein, Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista, Stephanie Seymour, Ellen Barkin. Along with his main activities, the surgeon hosted an original radio program, was fond of yoga, and even tried to write music.

Lack of privacy and self-rejection

Despite the fact that the stars wanted to be friends with him, the man was not happy in his personal life. The star doctor's loneliness was brightened up only by mongrel dogs picked up on the street.

As the industry developed, Botox prices began to fall. Brandt's services are no longer elite. But if he bore this news with steadfastness, age-related changes unsettled him: The Botox doctor was terrified of old age.

He maintained his figure with diet and constant yoga classes. But with his face it was more difficult: he injected himself more and more often and turned his own face into a standard of anti-advertising for the services he provided to others.

Still from the series "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt"

Brandt took criticism quite calmly. Even when he was called a young old man. But the camel's back was eventually broken by a straw. The comedy series Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt was released. One of the characters of which, Dr. Grant, was completely copied from Frederick. The same platinum hair, the same ideal, emotionless face, the same speech impediment, provoked by an excessive passion for philandering.

He could not bear such a blow. I plunged into the abyss of depression, canceled appointments, and began going to a psychiatrist. But this did not help: on April 5, 2015, Doctor Botox went to the garage, threw a rope over the beam and in one fell swoop ended the dark streak of his life.

What kind of person was the doctor? The most appropriate definition is ambiguous. Yes, with an exaggerated appearance, but talented, since his rejuvenation procedures are still used in the multimillion-dollar beauty industry. A good friend who helped patients (often for free), but did not whine or complain about his problems. And none of them were next to him at a difficult moment. This point was not particularly emphasized in the press, but Frederick sponsored research to find a cure for cancer.

Perhaps he would have given much more to the world. But the burden of the downside of fame turned out to be too much for the Botox Doctor.

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