20 women who prove that gray hair is beautiful too (21 photos)

10 January 2023

In modern times, most women have a negative attitude towards gray hair, trying to paint over it in all available ways. Gray hair is supposedly a sign of fading. This, of course, is the choice of everyone - but more and more more women accept going gray as part of their natural process, and show that even with gray hair you can remain a beauty. The network has the whole Grombre community - its members prove that there is no gray hair nothing terrible and shameful. Beauty is different. What do you think is done whether the society to such?

"I want to change the way we think "beautiful". And show the women that we have more important things on which we could spend our precious time, energy and resources, than to think that our appearance does not correspond to some accepted in the society of ideas," says project author, 28-year-old Marta Tuslow Smith. Let's look at women from all over the world who have accepted natural changes, and do not paint over gray hair:

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