The world's second patient with a pig heart transplant died in the United States (3 photos)

Category: Health, PEGI 16
3 November 2023

Despite the fact that the pig's organ was genetically modified, the man's body began to reject it.

In the United States, 58-year-old Lawrence Fawcett died almost 6 weeks after a pig heart transplant. The man himself agreed to become a test subject because he was denied an organ transplant from a deceased person due to end-stage heart failure and other complications.

The genetically modified pig heart transplant took place on September 20 at the University of Maryland Medical Center. At first, doctors noted “significant progress.” The transplanted pig heart worked well, and Fawcett even began undergoing physical therapy to regain his walking skills. However, organ rejection began at the end of October.

"Fawcett has made significant progress since surgery, engaging in physical therapy, spending time with family members and playing cards with his wife Anne. However, in recent days, the heart has shown the first signs of rejection, which is the most serious problem in transplants, including human organs," it said. in a statement from doctors.

The scientific director of the xenotransplantation program, Muhammad Mohiuddin, noted that the operation made it possible to achieve significant results in the creation of xenotransplants and the patient understood the contribution he was making to the development of this field of medicine. Fossett, as a last wish, asked doctors to carefully study his case for future patients, the University of Maryland Medical Center added.

It is noted that the genetically modified pig heart was provided by Revivicor. The organ was removed from the animal on the day of surgery. In the pig's genotype, four of its own genes were "turned off" and four human genes were added.

Let us add that the first case in the history of medicine of a pig heart being transplanted into a human was recorded in January 2022 at the same University of Maryland Medical Center. 57-year-old patient David Bennett lived with a pig heart for 8 weeks and 4 days. However, after the transplant, the man suffered numerous complications, and traces of the virus, which infects pigs, were found in the transplanted organ. Bennett died of cytokine storm and heart failure in early March 2022.

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