16 years later, a woman saw her heart in a museum (4 photos)

Category: Health, PEGI 16
23 May 2023

The organ is on display at the Hunterian Museum in London.

Jennifer Sutton was a university student when she noticed that cannot bear prolonged physical exertion. The doctors put The diagnosis was restrictive cardiomyopathy. This is the state where the heart handles blood supply. The disease is not curable and life can be saved just a heart transplant. In 2007, Jennifer received news of that a new heart has been found. She was very afraid of the operation, because her mother did not survive a similar heart transplant.

After the transplant, Jennifer gave permission to the Royal college of surgeons to use their heart for demonstration, and now It is open to the public at the Hunterian Museum in London. Holborn area, according to the BBC.

In an interview, the woman said that she was grateful to the heart that supported her body for 22 years.

Jennifer gave her heart to the museum to promote organ donation.

These were 16 fantastic years that I could not have had without my donor.

Miss Sutton got the opportunity to admire the once main muscle of her body in the museum.

It was an unusual experience, a very strong emotional an experience that caused pain and confusion in my soul. see your old the heart was interesting, but now I'm trying to love the new.

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