Patients were transplanted with hearts on the same day - and they did not assume that this would be the beginning of a love story (7 photos)

13 April 2023

People meet love everywhere: at a bus stop, in a cafe, in the Internet. The hospital is usually not included in this list. Not the most romantic and a place for intimate knitting. However, fate is original, because today we will tell a love story that began on hospital bed.

Taylor Givens and Colleen Males met in the hospital. Taylor was on the surgeon's table for the transplant of the most important organ due to lymphoma (cancer), but Collin suffered from diseases with childhood, he has a heart defect, so a transplant at that time for him was not the first.

As a result, Taylor and Collin received heart transplants in one day. After they were in the same ward for rehabilitation. However, the spark then did not flare up: both were depressed and unhappy after the operation.

But fate did not calm down: she brought the guys together again later several years after transplantation. They ended up in the hospital for treatment and prevention. In the second meeting, both felt sympathy instantly. They even took the same medications at the same time. "Great, I didn't have to explain to Taylor what I'm going through," shared Collin.

The disease brought them closer, but even outside the hospital they found many common interests. They started talking and then meet, and in 2019, 8 years after the transplant, they got married.

“When he is next to me, death no longer seems so terrible,” the girl shared her thoughts about her husband.

"When I see how courageously he goes through everything difficulties, I become stronger and happier," says Taylor.

This photo is from 2017

Love helps a couple overcome all the difficulties associated with health, because they do it together.

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