russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for October 24-25

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
26 October 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell:

Nobody obliges Hungary to be in the EU.

I don't see any similarity between the Soviet occupation of Budapest and what is happening in Berlaymont (headquarters of the European Commission).

I didn't see a single tank there. Nobody obliges Hungary to be a member of the EU.

- Russian Minister of Assassination Shoigu:

The Russian army received anti-aircraft missile systems, which allowed it to shoot down 24 Ukrainian aircraft in 5 days.

Where did my clown emoticons go, well, you understand...

- Head of the Bundestag Defense Committee Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann:

The Russian attack on Ukraine and the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel are directly related.

It was on Putin’s birthday, October 7th. This is not a coincidence.

- Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said that he sees no advantage in the continued presence of Russian military bases in the republic, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Pashinyan said that Yerevan is looking for new partners, since Russia “has not fulfilled its allied obligations.”

According to him, recent events in Nagorno-Karabakh have led Armenia to a decision on the need to diversify relations in the security sphere.

- Republican Representative Mike Johnson from Louisiana was elected as the new Speaker of the US House of Representatives.

Johnson is considered a supporter of Trump and Israel and opposes continued aid to Ukraine.

- Shells from the DPRK will help Russia maintain the intensity of artillery fire in 2024, - ISW.

Although the level of fire will be at a relatively lower level than in 2022.

- Infographics: dynamics of destruction of artillery of the occupiers.

The last 6 months have been a real hell for the enemy

- Ukrainian DRG seized the road on the left bank of the Kherson region - ISW.

AFU fighters landed near Podstepne (20 km east of Kherson and 3 km from the Dnieper) and captured a section of the road connecting the villages of Poyma, Cossack Camps and Krynki.

Let's keep our fingers crossed for our people.

- 11 of 11 martyrs fell over Ukraine at night, – PS.


- Zelensky hinted that Ukraine will strike at the infrastructure of the Russian Federation.

- Russian attack on Avdiivka: the enemy has huge losses, but there is progress, - DeepState.

In this area, the Russian Federation has stopped using equipment and is advancing only with manpower.

The Russians advanced east of Krasnogorovka, approaching the railway track. They want to gain a foothold.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are attacking the occupiers with cluster munitions, but this does not weaken the intensity of the use of infantry.

- Men will have to pay 25 thousand for each month of stay abroad in order to return to Ukraine: a bill has been registered in the Rada.

This applies to those liable for military service who left the country after February 24, 2022. If at the border they cannot confirm the existence of grounds for a deferment from military service during mobilization, they must transfer 25,890 hryvnia to a special account for each month of stay abroad during martial law.

- China is ready to cooperate with the United States, because the fate of humanity depends on it - Xi Jinping

According to him, both sides are overcoming their differences and working together to “meet global challenges.”

- SuddenlyThe head of the board of directors of Lukoil, Vladimir Nekrasov, began.

This is the 13th death of a Russian top manager or businessman since the beginning of 2022. Almost all of them worked for oil companies.


- Meanwhile, the new brand subtly hints

- Well, finally, we were already starting to get nervous

Why did they intercept so little?

- The Siberia battalion appeared in Ukraine, consisting entirely of Russian citizens, - Bloomberg

▪️The battalion is part of the regular Ukrainian army and soon the military will be sent into battle. The material says that in the battalion there are representatives of ethnic minorities who want independence of their regions from the Russian Federation

- Pikabushnik (a breeding ground for quilted jackets) harshly criticized the Russian authorities, calling it rotten

- "Yes, it happens that history repeats itself. Fortunately, what was a tragedy the first time was, at best, a comedy the second time... Moscow was a tragedy, Brussels - just a poorly executed modern parody” Viktor Orban marking the anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian uprising and 4 reactions to this statement

As far as I know, exit from the EU is free, so go ahead and sing, Mr. Orban, although for some reason there will be all sorts of duties, borders, and they won’t pay money from the EU

- The story of a Russian volunteer soldier who returned from the war

- Moscow was replaced with Kiev on the sign on Mount Fløyen in Bergen (Norway)

Fløyen is the most visited of the seven mountains surrounding the center of Bergen. This mountain has a funicular system that transports passengers from the center of Bergen to the observation deck, located at an altitude of 320 meters, in 6 minutes. The top of the mountain is 425 meters.

- No one thought that the venerable old man Vyasa, who lived three millennia BC, could become a foreign agent in the Russian Federation. But he could! I could, damn it!

- Apparently, the authors of the channel do not have money for expensive drugs and used a solvent.

- The elevator shaft is all that remains of a residential building in Mariupol after it was captured by the Russian Federation.

How many horrors will be revealed after deoccupation

- Oh, how they started talking

- Something is happening in Sevastopol. Possibly GOYDA. We are waiting for details

- A stab in the back from where we didn’t expect it, or Kazakhstan’s entry into NATO

- Russian experts, what's the matter?

- A Russian paramedic, who returned from the war in Ukraine, previously strangled his wife and committed suicide in Biysk

30-year-old Konstantin worked as a paramedic in the OMON “Forpost” medical service in Biysk, Altai Territory. In June of this year, the man was sent on a business trip to fight in Ukraine. In September he returned home.

On October 23, Konstantin and his wife Ekaterina, who worked as a fitness trainer, did not answer calls from their relatives. Catherine’s mother came home to the couple and saw that they were both dead.

As ASTRA found out, the preliminary cause of death of 30-year-old Ekaterina is mechanical asphyxia. The preliminary cause of death of her husband Konstantin was cut wounds all over his body. According to the preliminary version of the investigation, the man could have strangled his wife and inflicted injuries on himself from which he died.

The couple's neighbors said that they heard swearing from their apartment all day on October 23. The exact causes of death of both young people are being established.

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