russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for October 16

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
17 October 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- Now Israeli equipment also has barbecues. IDF Merkava tanks with casings. A lot of them.

Drone warfare changes the way we look at traditional tanks. Israel quickly adopted the experience of the war in Ukraine. It looks like this could now become a global trend. So is the use of UAVs.

- Ynet:

Ukrainian President Zelensky wanted to come to Israel together with the US minister. Blinken State.

Israel said no.

"Now is not the time."

- The heating season has begun in Kyiv, – Klitschko.

It will take several days to connect residential buildings to heat. In regions where the temperature has dropped below 8°C, heating has already appeared.

Let me remind you that DTEK stated that this winter may be more difficult than the previous one.

- Budanov forced 19 Russians to surrender via radio – commander of the MANPADS group of the "Artan" special forces unit.

He said that the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate personally participates in some special operations, and most fighters sometimes have no idea that Budanov is in the sector with them.

Kirill Alekseevich💪

- The consequences of a shell explosion in the barrel of the Russian 120-mm self-propelled gun 2S9 "Nona-S"

- Well, nothing to add

- Grandfathers fought! And this is a color photo!

- Briefly about Russian ingenuity.

- A schoolboy in the Russian Federation expressed his position on Russia’s actions in Ukraine. As punishment, the teacher made him stand and apologize for the entire lesson.

- jumble at the Russian military registration and enlistment office

- And then you find out that the government itself was involved in the terrorist attacks…

- The reason why the second army of the world has not yet “started anything seriously” has become known.

She just hasn't learned to attack yet. And as soon as possible, right away.

- Russia lost more than 60 tanks and armored personnel carriers in the offensive near Avdeevka — BILD expert

BILD military analyst Julian Röpke reports this. According to him, the Russian Armed Forces went on the offensive near Avdeevka on Thursday, trying to surround the city. Columns of more than 100 pieces of equipment went on the attack: tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, trucks. They came under artillery and ATGM fire and were driven back. Röpke estimates that more than 200 Russian soldiers were killed and more than 60 tanks and armored personnel carriers were lost.

The plan of the Russian troops was to create a large pocket, bypassing Avdeevka from the west. To do this, they wanted to capture the villages of Severnoye, Stepovoye and Berdychi. The Ukrainian Armed Forces were able to stop the attackers near Severny and on the railway line in Stepovoy. According to Röpke, despite the losses, the Russian Armed Forces do not intend to abandon the attack on Avdievka; the city may repeat the fate of Bakhmut.

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