In Russia, a drunk woman brutally beat her granddaughter at the entrance

26 October 2023
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Social networks published a video recorded yesterday on an intercom camera in Saratov, which has not yet become resonant, but will definitely become so. At one of the entrances to an apartment building on Romantikov Street, a drunk woman beat her 9-year-old granddaughter because of problems with the intercom.

The reason for such cruelty is unknown, but the woman clearly took her anger out on a small child. It is also impossible to call this a process of education. The grandmother screamed throughout the street and called her granddaughter the worst names and from time to time hit her on the head. The torture continued for at least 5 minutes, until a man came up and opened the door at the entrance.

According to some reports, the grandmother and granddaughter were visiting. And when it was time to leave, the girl could not find the thousand rubles she had for a taxi ride.

Be careful, there is a lot of obscene language!

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