In Ufa, an angry woman dragged her husband's mistress out of the apartment and publicly beat her

10 May 2023
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The police are already sorting out the vicissitudes of the love drama.

A classic love triangle took place on Babushkina Street in Ufa. The wife, who returned home at the wrong time, caught her husband with his mistress and, of course, became furious. She dragged the half-naked homeowner out of the apartment by the hair and began to kick at the entrance in front of two local residents. Which, unfortunately, did not even try to stop the angry neighbor.
Beating her husband's mistress lying on the ground, the woman asks if she is not ashamed to sleep with other people's husbands.

It is reported that at the entrance, where the beating happened, there are constant conflicts of tipsy citizens. Judging by the video, the aggressive woman was also not quite sober. Now local residents hope that thanks to the published video, the police will pacify some of the local brawlers. As for the beating, the neighbors, who were watching the “drama” about a broken heart and face from their windows, immediately called the police. Law enforcement officers arrived, identified the participants in the brawl and left. So far, no one has been detained - the police are conducting an inspection and finding out the causes of the conflict, the press service of the Bashkir Ministry of Internal Affairs reported.

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