He knows why: a woman beat and ran over her cheating husband's car

4 February 2023
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The lady was drunk and extremely dangerous. Having learned about the presence of her husband's mistress, she went out of her way.

On the night of January 31, an epic family drama broke out in Nizhny Novgorod. In the Avtozavodsky district, a drunk lady made a real brawl. At first, eyewitnesses watched a woman destroy a Toyota Camry. The distraught madam broke off the bumper of the car, jumped on the hood, but, apparently, did not receive satisfaction from the process.

After that, they filmed on camera how a lady, swearing like a port loader, beat a man lying on the pavement, and then got behind the wheel of a Chevrolet Cruze and ran into his leg. The big man who rushed to the aid of the victim was shot down. A car also drove over it.

The wheezing man was dragged out of the way by the woman, who, with renewed vigor, began to ram the unfortunate Toyota.

As the main character of this drama later said, everything happened because of her husband's infidelity. He promised that he was done with his mistress, but he continued to walk to the left. One evening, Anna decided to follow her husband, and when she found his car in the yard of the 37-year-old homemaker Masha, she became furious.

She was not going to beat and, moreover, crush him with a car - just her hubby stood in the way.

Summing up the results of that boring evening, we can say that it passed with a twinkle: 7 crumpled cars, a broken ankle of Maxim's unfaithful spouse, and a criminal case, in which the offended Anna became a defendant.

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