Three for one: in St. Petersburg, a crowd of underage migrants beat a student because of an expensive hat

8 April 2023
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The guys guarded the freshman of the medical college and beat him so that he needed hospitalization.

A 17-year-old student was hospitalized in moderate condition after meeting aggressive migrants. They waited for the victim and ran into the guy with his fists when he was walking behind the house on Maly Prospekt of Vasilyevsky Island. The brawl was caught on video, which became evidence of the guilt of underage teenagers.

Carefully! The video contains scenes of violence!

The footage shows how the student is beaten with all his might on the head and other parts of the body. The blows were so strong that the guy needed the help of doctors, and the trio, pleased with themselves, pulled off the hat (worth about 12 thousand rubles) of the beaten man and went home.

The police became interested in the beating, and soon the hooligans were detained. The trinity is currently under house arrest. All three are under house arrest: A criminal case has been initiated under Art. 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Robbery”).

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