Scared with hair: in Krasnodar, a man severely beat a girl with a mohawk

27 January 2023
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How impressionable men have gone today! A comrade in a camouflage uniform told a girl with a non-standard hairstyle that she scared him, and a minute later he attacked her with his fists.

A friend of the victim commented on this incident as follows: “We were shocked from such a turn. She asked: “Is it a moron?” He laughed, and a couple of minutes later he ran up and started beating her." Passers-by stood up for the girl - however, the attacker believed that he was right. And the young lady with a non-standard hairstyle received a well-deserved punishment for the insult.

Carefully! The video contains scenes of violence!

A video of the massacre of "someone not like that" appeared in the Krasnodar parks of VK, and after a while it became known that the beaten woman filed a complaint with the police. The Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Krasnodar reported that an investigation is underway in this case. And in social networks they believe that a man needs to be treated for his head. And, urgently.

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