In Saransk, a man stood up for a girl in a cafe and was killed

29 December 2022
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The incident in Mordovia is a classic example of when one who stands up for a girl becomes a victim himself. On the evening of December 24, 41-year-old Vladimir Levin was relaxing in a bar with his brother. The men saw the guy beating the girl and came to her aid.

The next day, several men came to Levin's house to sort things out and started a showdown. The fistfight turned into a stabbing.

During the fight, one of the men took out a knife and stabbed the intercessor several times in the stomach. He died from his wounds.

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As it turned out later, the one who killed Levin was not familiar with him and had no claims against him. He, in the company of his friend, came "to a showdown" and avenged a friend who had come to the bar the day before to deal with his ex-wife.

Vladimir Levin

As it turned out, the victim was the 2000 BMX champion of Russia. Previously, he also won the championship of Russia in 1997-1998.

The deceased is survived by his wife and seven-year-old daughter. And a heated discussion unfolded in social networks: is it necessary to stand up for an unfamiliar girl or is it more reasonable to pass by?

And what would you do in a similar situation, seeing a disassembly of an unfamiliar couple, friends? Passed by, called the police or stood up for the weaker sex?
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