A Russian pushed an autistic boy in an elevator

21 October 2023
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According to the victim's parents, the child is now afraid of adults.

In Novorossiysk, a man rudely pushed away a 10-year-old autistic person in an elevator because he accidentally touched him. There were three people in the elevator car: a child, his grandfather and an unfamiliar man. As the victim’s mother said, autism affects his behavior. The boy cannot stand still - he fidgets, mutters something under his breath, twirls his arms - in general, he behaves restlessly. The man didn’t like this when a child approached him and began waving his hands next to him.

The footage from the camera shows that after the unfamiliar man pushed the child away, he hid in a corner, hiding behind his grandfather. As his mother later reported, the boy became hysterical at home and after what happened he began to be afraid of adults.

“The child was very scared because he was not used to the use of physical force in principle, much less by a stranger,” said the victim’s mother.

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