Boxing coach beat 12-year-old boy

20 August 2023
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It all happened in Kotelniki near Moscow - a man named Gennady Martynov, who is also a boxing coach, approached the children to complain to them about an unknown reason, and then hit one of them on the back of the head, after which he fell to the asphalt.

The teenager's frightened friends tried to intercede, but nothing came of it.

Martynov was dragged away from the beaten boy by a passer-by. The parents took the child to the emergency room, where they removed the beatings, and then wrote statements. The child's sister stated that the police called Gennady in for questioning, but after some time they released him after the latter stated that the child rushed at him with a knife.

Judging by the footage, the first blow was inflicted by a man, and there was no knife in the boy's hands.

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