Scooter hit 8-year-old boy: the child received an open fracture of the jaw

21 June 2023
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A walk in Kolpino ended with a double fracture of the jaw for an 8-year-old boy. A man on a scooter knocked down a child right in a pedestrian fountain.

According to the boy's father, Nikolai Klimenko, on June 17, he and his two sons went for an evening walk in a public space with a swing and a fountain at the intersection of Vera Slutskaya and Proletarskaya streets. It was hot, and children were running between the jets of the fountain. They were joined by the eldest son of Nicholas. The younger one at that time was playing on the "climbing board" at the other end of the site.

“I didn’t see the moment of the collision, I heard a scream,” said Nikolai Klimenko. - There were two scooters who decided to drive through the fountain with children at full speed. One of them hit my son. The child has an open double fracture of the lower jaw with a displacement, a fracture of the temporal bone, and a leg injury. It is impossible to convey my emotions in any words.

A man, aged 30, slovenly dressed, with a can of beer in the pocket of his shorts - this is how Nikolai Klimenko describes the scooter.

The father immediately called an ambulance, called the emergency services and several eyewitnesses. Soon, not only doctors, but also the teaching staff and the traffic police were at the scene. The culprit, according to Nikolai Klimenko, did not try to escape from the scene, he asked how to help. “But I was in such a state that I could only send him to hell,” says the father. - The son was taken to the hospital, where it turned out that he would have a difficult operation, which could be done no earlier than Monday. All this time he lies with his jaw bandaged and cannot eat. Today I was able to swallow liquid baby food for the first time in two days.”

The boy had a bracket system installed: throughout the year, the child's bite was corrected. Now, in order to perform jaw surgery, the child will have to make an incision in the face, after which plastic surgery is likely to be required.

The procedural check of the incident, qualified as an accident with a minor, was taken over by the prosecutor's office of the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg.

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