In Ufa, they are looking for a pervert who took a photo under the skirt of a girl in an elevator

12 August 2023
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The young man entered the elevator with the child, and when the girl turned away, he lowered his hand with the phone down. Apparently, he managed to take a few photos before the schoolgirl left the booth. True, he forgot that the elevator is equipped with a video camera, and his face is now known to law enforcement officers.

The incident that occurred in one of the high-rise buildings on the street. S. Perovskoy in Ufa again made the parents of minors worry about their daughters. A 12-year-old girl entered the elevator, and a young man stepped into the cabin after her. Outwardly, he was adequate, behaved calmly, but what happened after did not fit into any moral framework.

Looking around, the man took several photos of the child, lowering his hand so that the phone was under the girl's skirt.

The schoolgirl realized that the man was behaving in some unusual way, but she got scared and tried not to show that she was afraid. And at home I told my mother. about your fears. She turned to the police with a request to check the suspicions - they turned out to be justified. Now the pervert is wanted by law enforcement officers.

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