In Russia, a man hit his stepson for standing poorly in an elevator

10 October 2023
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For systematically hitting a child on the head and back with a palm, a man faces from three to seven years in prison.

A man was detained in Khanty-Mansiysk for systematically beating his 7-year-old stepson. The reason for the inspection and subsequent arrest was the scandalous footage from the elevator, in which a 37-year-old local resident gave his stepson a heavy slap on the head.

Local residents sharply criticized the stepfather, who lets go only because he did not like the way the boy stood in the elevator. The police, for their part, immediately began an investigation, and then the local investigative committee took over the case.

Based on the results of the inspection, it turned out that this is not the first time that the hero of the video has raised his hand against a child. According to the following version

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