A rat and an otter caused panic on board the plane (4 photos + 1 video)

9 October 2023

An albino rat and a baby otter were spotted on a plane from Bangkok to Taiwan, causing a wave of panic. It turned out that passengers were carrying animals illegally in their hand luggage.

An incident occurred on a Vietnamese airline Viet Jet flight from Bangkok to Taiwan - passengers noticed an albino rat and a baby otter on the floor. It turned out that one of the passengers was carrying animals illegally in his hand luggage. But at one point the animals decided to escape to freedom. There was a slight panic on board, and the flight attendants did everything possible to safely capture the fugitives.

According to eyewitnesses, first one of the passengers noticed a white rat on the way to the toilet. He informed the crew about her, and during the search they found the otter cub. The rat even managed to bite one of the flight attendants on the hand. They made an announcement on the plane and asked to confess who owned the animals. One Chinese woman said that these were her animals. Most likely, she bought them at a market in Bangkok.

As a result, flight attendants caught the animals, placed them in a safe place, and handed them over to Taiwanese services upon arrival. When police searched the plane after landing, they also found a bag in the cabin containing 28 live turtles, a marmot, a snake, two otters and two other unknown rodents. Police determined that the animals were transported by two foreign smugglers. According to law enforcement officers, they passed inspection at Suvarnabhumi International Airport in Thailand by bribing one of the employees: it is known that there have been cases of corruption at this airport.

Smugglers can be fined up to $30,000. But at the moment the police continue to collect information on the case. In the meantime, the turtles will remain in quarantine, while the remaining animals have been sent to Pingtung University in Taiwan.

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