Taihe Palace: what Taiwan's Leaning Tower of Pisa looks like (4 photos)

7 February 2023

In August 2009, a typhoon hit Southeast Asia. "Morakot", which caused the strongest destruction. Taiwan was in epicenter: the typhoon brought torrential rains, due to which mudflows formed, landslides and floods became more frequent.

But the consequences of Morakot were not only in ruins, unexpectedly he became the main culprit in the emergence of a new attraction - Taiwan's Leaning Tower of Pisa.

In the small village of Taihe, located in the middle of nowhere, there was a temple Taihe Zhenxing (Taihe Zhenxing Palace). He was about the same as dozens of other small temples located in towns in Taiwan. But because of "Morakot" the building moved about 100 meters from its original location and leaned to the side. Temple decided not to demolish, leaving him in such an unusual position.

Perhaps the village of Taihe would have remained unknown if would not develop social networks. Now travelers come to the temple, to see with your own eyes an unusual attraction. All for the sake cool photos: Taihe Zhenxing is the perfect place to take Pictures in the spirit of Michael Jackson.

This does not require much effort and preparation, all you need is just tilt your phone. Perhaps soon near the temple there will be not only shots in the style of a pop star, but something like photos that are taken side by side with the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

The temple in Taihe has already acquired the glory of the Italian attractions, at least among locals: in the media Taihe Zhenxing has long been called Taiwan's Leaning Tower of Pisa. Such Typhoon Morakot left behind an unusual memory.

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