Scientists want to make a medicine from a spider whose bite causes an iron erection (3 photos)

Category: Sex, PEGI 18
1 October 2023
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But the “miracle remedy” also has a downside.

In South America there is a wandering spider (Phoneutria fera).

Phoneutria fera

Its bite causes an unusual effect - a steel “bone-on”. The local Indians were well aware of this feature of Phoneutria, but scientists took up it quite recently. And they immediately began experimenting.

But the fact is that Phoneutria is the most poisonous spider in the world. Its bite is very painful, people literally scream. Their blood pressure rises and their whole body begins to ache. And if the immune system is also weakened, they may even die. So arousal of the genital organ is just a side effect. In addition, spider venom is not at all an analogue of Viagra. It causes priapism: a prolonged erection that cannot be relieved by anything. The penis can “stand” for up to 5-7 hours; in medicine, there have been cases when men had their penis amputated after an attack of priapism. This is if you didn’t see a doctor in time.

For example, in Austria, a real “nix” happened when this spider was found in a box with overseas bananas. The supermarket where it was found was closed and scientists were called in, who, wearing gloves and extremely carefully, caught the eight-legged creature.

Well, researchers want to isolate the spider’s venom, remove its painful properties and reduce its concentration. So that the male organ lifts the blanket not for 7 hours, but exactly as long as necessary.

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