A woman lost her leg on a travolator at Bangkok airport (5 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 18
3 July 2023
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The incident that took place at the Bangkok airport can be safely added to any horror movie.

57 year old a woman was heading to land at Don Muang Airport, tripped about the suitcase and hit the slot of the horizontal escalator.

Why her leg got into the mechanism is now sorted out police, but what happened next just does not fit in my head. The leg was jammed almost to the very thigh and all this time the victim was conscious.

When the doctors arrived and assessed the scale of the tragedy, it turned out that it was basically impossible to get a woman's leg. I had to amputate in place.

Karun Thanakuljierapat Airport Director said that airport management will be fully responsible for medical the woman's expenses and will be open to negotiation for other compensation. By according to the director of the airport, the track was made by a Japanese company Hitachi in 1996, it was planned to be updated in 2025.

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