Did not take out: the guy left the model, which used a sex diet to pump up the buttocks (3 photos)

Category: Sex, PEGI 18
31 July 2023
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The girl demanded many hours of daily sex, and the poor fellow resigned.

24-year-old Brazilian model Lari Sumpani admits that keeping her buttocks in good shape helps her not only gym. The main simulator for an elastic fifth point is daily sex. Moreover, active and long (at least 2 hours at a time).

In preparation for the competition "Miss Bum-Bum 2023". sumpani increased the duration of intimate pleasures, and her boyfriend had to plow on this field daily 2-3 times a day. As a result, the championship the blonde won, but the model's boyfriend could not stand it busy schedule and left the girl.

However, Sumpani is not upset and is not going to change training format. She does not suffer from the absence of gentlemen, and in in the near future will pick up a replacement for the outsider.

Earlier, the Brazilian reported that thanks to sex, she is not only in good physical shape - her mood too always excellent.

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