The Spaniard was hospitalized with a rare disease: doctors found worms under his skin (2 photos)

Category: Health, PEGI 18
9 April 2023
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In Spain, a man who worked in the sewers became infected roundworms is a fairly common occurrence, but the case the Spaniard was so neglected that the larvae literally crawled from him under the skin. Doctors called his condition a rare "hyperinfection".

A 64-year-old man decided to go to the doctors in Universitetskaya hospital in Madrid complaining of mild diarrhea and an itchy rash. At On examination, the doctors found that he had contracted the Strongyloides parasite. stercoralis, which causes strongyloidiasis.

The results of this study were published in the New England Journal of Medicine. On related illustrations show how doctors detected larvae on the skin men. The larvae were removed within 24 hours.

“After treatment with oral ivermectin, rash and diarrhea in the patient decreased, ”the New York Post reports the words of a representative hospitals.

It is not yet clear to doctors how the man became infected. However they noted that the environmental factors he was exposed to certainly made him more prone to infection.

According to doctors, this condition may remain unnoticed for many years, as it usually proceeds asymptomatic. But in the case of the Spaniard, the parasite mutated due to suppressed his immune system hormone therapy, which the patient received in association with malignant spinal cord compression. As a result the disease progressed to hyperinfection.

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