A girl was born in India with extra fingers and toes (4 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 18
26 September 2023
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The child was born with seven fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot.

The girl's mother, 25-year-old Sarju Devi, gave birth to her on the 8th month of pregnancy. Doctors concluded that the baby is absolutely healthy, despite the anomaly.

As soon as the parents saw the peculiarity of their child, then were immediately delighted, as they considered the child an incarnation of the local goddess Dholagarh Devi, whose temple is located very close to the hospital. Dholagarh Devi is usually depicted with eight arms.

It is currently unknown whether the parents want a girl remove her fingers surgically or leave everything as is, but more like the second one.

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