How does a girl live, whose heart beats in her chest (6 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 18, Health
28 June 2023
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Dari Borun gave birth to a girl named Virsavia 14 years ago. The baby immediately became a sensation.

The fact is that her heart was not in the chest, but right under the skin at the solar plexus. This pathology is the name Cantrell - and occurs in 1 out of 1 million newborns.

Due to a rare disease, the heart was unprotected chest or abdominal muscles. Even during pregnancy, doctors warned the mother that the child might not survive.

However, the faith, strength and love of the mother did not allow her to stop pregnancy. Borun is happy that she has such a daughter, and she accepts it along with all the features. "It's a miracle that she has I’m just like that, I’m very worried about her, but I can’t limit her in everything, because she is a child who wants to enjoy life, "say mother.

Bathsheba now lives an ordinary life: she rides a pony, dancing, painting, running. Even though her heart is very fragile and serious loads are contraindicated for her, she enjoys every day, and The mother takes care of the child.

In order not to put pressure on the heart, the girl always wear soft clothes, as well as a bib for protection.

Mom regularly posts photos on social networks with her daughter to people understood how many special children there are in the world and how important it is that those around him were serious and wary of the uniqueness of others. Bathsheba also has a huge army of fans who support her and admiring her will to live.

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