In Sochi, three fighting dogs attacked a 60-year-old woman and bit off her ear

6 September 2023
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The owner walked them without a muzzle and believed that they did not threaten anyone.

This is not the first time the woman has been in conflict with her neighbor - the owner of three dogs of a fighting breed. One of the episodes even got on the first video.

Later, the woman took her dog out for a walk. At this time, her neighbor was also in the yard with his pack, which fell off the leash and was without muzzles. The dogs attacked the pet and tore it apart with their might. The lady tried to drive them away, then they switched to her. The pensioner fell, she was brutally bitten and her ear was torn off. The boorish owner of the dogs ran around, but could not do anything. By the way, he was also bitten.

Now the woman is in the hospital. The police are investigating the incident:

It was established that the owner walked them without a muzzle. The animals got off the leash and attacked a woman passing by with a small breed dog. The man tried to remove his animals, as a result of which he himself was bitten.

1 comment
7 September 2023
Якщо б це сталося у нас, я б закликав застрелити хазяїна. А в Сочі, нормально. Хай бавляться. :)
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