Alabai attack on a Crimean woman caught on video

10 March 2023
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The owner of another non-aggressive dog let her go for a walk without a muzzle.

A huge alabai attacked a passer-by in Alushta and almost left her without a hand. Fortunately, the owner of the dog was nearby and was able to pull his dog away from the victim. But this, of course, does not relieve him of responsibility for what happened.

It is reported that the attack occurred when two local residents were returning home. A white alabai ran out of the yards to meet them and at first attacked the victim's friend, but quickly fell behind, switching to the second woman. The dog grabbed her hand and almost dropped it to the ground if its owner had not been nearby. He ran up and kicked the dog several times, and then grabbed and threw him to the ground, holding the huge animal with his arms and legs.

Doctors diagnosed the injured woman with an open fracture of the right hand. The dog was isolated - the alabai is now with cynologists who are studying his behavior. It is known that the dog has shown aggression before, once biting the owner's son on the shoulder. As for the punishment of the owner of the dog, there is no information on this subject. But it is obvious that letting such a dog walk without a muzzle is a crime.

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