Boeing collided with a bird while landing. A video from the cockpit appeared on the web

24 January 2023
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In a collision with aircraft, birds, as a rule, do not survive. And here's how this contact looks in real time - the spectacle is not for the faint of heart.

Cameras installed in the Boeing cockpit captured the moment of the last seconds of the bird's life as it collided with the aircraft. The bird crashed into the windshield during the landing of the liner.

Carefully! The video is not intended for viewing impressionable and pregnant!

The ship was not damaged, but the bird was not lucky. However, such a meeting was also not very pleasant for the pilots, judging by the emotions behind the scenes. The pilot swore and changed the view of the camera to a clear part of the glass. The landing was successful, and no damage was reported to the aircraft.
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