I wanted her back: in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a man kidnapped his own wife

28 August 2023
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Passers-by tried, but could not help.

The incident occurred on August 22 near the bus station in the village of Shalinskoye, Krasnoyarsk Territory. 27-year-old Alexander Maksimenko, together with a friend, pushed his wife, who demanded a divorce, into a car and fled the scene of the crime. According to eyewitnesses, the woman screamed and called for help. Several passers-by approached to find out what had happened, but Alexander hurried away, nearly knocking down a woman who was trying to free the captive.

As it became known later, the suspect took his wife to an abandoned house, where he beat him for a day. Then he brought her to the village of Emelyanovo to his relatives. They noticed abrasions and bruises on the woman's body and independently delivered the couple to the police station for investigation.

It is known that the Maksimenko family has three children, the spouses are not officially divorced, but the 25-year-old wife of Alexander has long been living with her parents in the Mansky district. The man did not want to get a divorce and went to extreme measures, deciding that abduction and bullying would correct the situation. However, they fixed it. An unhappy woman can breathe a sigh of relief. Alexander Maksimenko was detained for 2 months. They are looking for his friend. A criminal case was initiated against both under Part 2 of Art. 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Kidnapping of a person by a group of persons by prior agreement"). The unfortunate family man and his comrade face 5 to 12 years in prison.

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