Mary Poppins in Novosibirsk: a man with an umbrella jumped from the 8th floor

20 May 2023
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An unpleasant incident occurred in the Novosibirsk residential complex "Rodniki". In front of passers-by, a man with an umbrella in his hands jumped off the balcony on the eighth floor of an apartment building.

The incident was reported by eyewitnesses in the AST-54 community on the Vkontakte social network. It happened in house number 30 on Myasnikova street. Before the jump, the man sat for a long time on the balcony railing, attracting the attention of others. In one of the videos, an eyewitness asks: “What do you need to be under to do this?” Just a few moments later, the man jumped down.

“In the residential complex “Rodniki” a man with an umbrella made a “leap of faith”. The man sat for some time on the edge of the balcony of the 8th floor of house No. 30 on Myasnikova Street, and then somersaulted down. A team of doctors arrived to help the victim, ”the message says. In the comments under the publication on social networks, users joke about the Novosibirsk Mary Poppins, and also suggest that the Novosibirsk was not completely sober.

It is known for sure that after the incident the man was taken to the hospital, some media say that the jumper died. However, the portal, citing the regional departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the investigative committee, reports that the 40-year-old Novosibirsk survived and is being treated with a broken leg and a head injury. The incident is under investigation.

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