In Kazan, a man fell from the 13th floor, but miraculously survived

4 January 2023
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A man lives in Kazan, who has not been able to leave this life for half a year. In August of this year, he staged a performance by hanging from a balcony. Then he was rescued. In December, the same man managed to fall off the balcony, but survived again thanks to the janitors.

In Kazan, the neighbors are already tired of the violent man from the 13th floor. In August, he put on a real show on the 13th floor of the building at 152 Pobedy Avenue. He broke glass on the balcony, cut his veins and throat. After that, he dangled from the balcony and miraculously resisted. The police managed to get rescuers and, with the help of the police, take them out into the street. He was then loaded into an ambulance and taken away.

And so, in December, again the man decided to try his luck.

This time he climbed onto the balcony and fell. The fall could have been fatal if not for the snowdrift under the window, where the man fell. Neighbors immediately called an ambulance.

As it turned out, the man is alive. He was loaded into an ambulance and taken to the hospital.

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