A stern bus passenger threw a drunk woman out of the passenger compartment

18 April 2023
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For those who like to litter while drunk on the bus, this is not worth doing in the Chelyabinsk region. Videofact!

The incident occurred in the city of Kopeysk in the bus number 10. The man did not like the behavior of the drunk woman. She threw the garbage on the floor, he picked it up and put it back in his pocket, to which the restless madam again threw the paper on the floor. In general, word for word, and the enraged passenger threw his opponent out into the street. So much so that the woman could not get up on her own, the same man helped her.

Concerned eyewitnesses immediately reported this to the police. Police officers quickly figured out everything and found out “that the participants in the conflict have known each other for a long time. The quarrel between them arose on domestic grounds. Apparently, they have no claims to each other.

In social networks, opinion, as always, was divided, someone accused the woman of an excessive love for alcohol, but someone said that it was not a man’s business to climb with moralizing to a drunken woman.

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