Brazilian school bus collides with train

15 March 2023
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The bus driver fled the scene of the accident, fearing reprisals.

The tragic incident took place in the municipality of Gendaya do Sul, located in the state of Parana in southern Brazil. The school bus driver tried to jump in front of a freight train, but failed. As a result of the collision, two schoolgirls were killed, six more students were seriously injured and were evacuated to the hospital by helicopter.

In total, there were 25 students and three teachers on the bus. It is reported that after the accident, the driver helped the victims, and when people began to gather at the scene of the accident, he fled, fearing reprisals. Now he is in the police. The driver claims that he did not see or hear the train approaching. But it's hard to believe. Moreover, the driver told the police that he gave a signal and tried to stop the train.
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