20 incredible cases from medical practice (21 photos)

Category: Health, Terrible, PEGI 18
25 August 2023
The post contains material for an audience over 18 years of age. Please make sure that you really want to see this and that you are over 18 years old.

In our time, medicine has stepped far forward and knows how to do things that previously could only be dreamed of. Subreddit r/medizzy talks about the various "miracles of medicine", as well as the most interesting, unusual and amazing cases from medical practice, which may surprise even experts.

1. James Harrison, The Man with the Golden Arm

At the age of 13, James underwent an operation during which required a transfusion of 13 liters of blood. When he turned 18, he became a donor. It turned out that his blood contains a rare antigen, which helps with Rh incompatibility. James Harrison for donated blood 1000 times and saved 2 million lives.

2. Beautiful reconstruction of double cleft lip and palate

3. Very high quality face transplant

4. The result of the operation to correct the bite and correct the position of the jaw

5. Before and after surgery to correct craniofacial duplication

6. Gynecologist Jacques Donnet captured a picture of a human egg leaving an ovary during a hysterectomy.

7. Testing the Davinci surgical robot on a special device

8. Normal hand/Hand after firework explosion

9. Pediatric Heart Transplant Procedure

10. Lightning injury with visible Lichtenberg figures

11. Incredible photo of heart strings inside a heart

In fact, they are called tendon chords and are tendon connective tissue found in tricuspid and mitral valves of the heart.

12. This is what constipation looks like after 19 days. Oh shit!

This is an image of a double contrast barium enema.

13. Before and after rhinoplasty and jaw surgery

14. A man with a 3-inch nail in his skull (7.5 cm) went to the hospital two days later ... but does not remember how he got there!

15. This is what purified DNA strands look like in a test tube

16. Fortunately, it's not a craniofacial injury, but a distortion image caused by patient movement during a CT scan due to a panic attack resulting from claustrophobia

17. Vascularization (vascularity) of the heart visually

18. White gums. Gum burn due to use peroxide teeth whiteners without sealing/protection

19. 3 twin parasites in the skull of a two-month-old baby

20. A man with a fracture of the cervical spine somehow managed to come to the intensive care unit on his own, by taxi

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