BRICS summit security mistakenly pinned down Xi Jinping aide

24 August 2023

It seems that the official was mistaken for a stubborn fan of the Chinese leader.

A curious incident occurred on the sidelines of the BRICS summit in South Africa. The Chinese President found himself unaccompanied at the entrance to the meeting room due to the security service, whose employees did not let in a little late aide Xi Jinping.

Apparently, the assistant to the Chinese leader “overslept” the chief’s exit and tried to catch up with him. However, running after Xi Jinping was not the best idea. The official aroused suspicion among the guards and they acted according to the instructions - they blocked the door and did not let them in.

The published video shows how the late official desperately grabs the joint and tries to squeeze in after the Chinese President. However, the guard managed to push him back and close the door in front of his nose. At some point, Xi Jinping heard the sounds of a struggle behind him and turned around, but the door had already closed by that moment.

History is silent about whether a member of the Chinese delegation ended up at a meeting of the BRICS heads of state

The BRICS summit in Johannesburg, which started yesterday, will last until August 24. The event is attended by the leaders of China, India, Brazil and South Africa. Russia is represented at the summit by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Earlier, Vladimir Putin announced that he would participate in the summit via videoconference.

1 comment
28 August 2023
3 380 comments
Надо было косого Сисизацепина скрутить, за*бись была бы хохма, глаза как у рюських стали бы.
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