The wind turned cars over and knocked people off their feet: a superstorm hit Saudi Arabia

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
24 August 2023

The main blow of the elements fell on Mecca, sacred to all Muslims.

A powerful storm hit the west of Saudi Arabia. The cities of Mecca and Jeddah suffered the most, where heavy winds and rainwater swept away tents, billboards, some trees, power lines and even cars on their way.

"The speed of the winds that hit the holy capital exceeded 80 km / h," said Hussein al-Qahtani, a spokesman for the Saudi National Meteorological Center.

In the Middle East segment of the Internet, a lot of videos have appeared with pilgrims who are literally blown away and overturned to the ground. The number of victims is still unknown, according to preliminary data, there are no dead.

Heavy rains, thunderstorms and strong winds will continue to rage in the west of the country until at least August 29. Heavy rainfall can lead to flooding, and squally winds can cause dust storms. Against the backdrop of alarming forecasts, the authorities in the province of Mecca have moved classes in schools, colleges and universities to a remote location.

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