A look into the past: 50 rare historical photographs (51 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
27 July 2023

Did you know that the first Tour de France took place in 1903? year? Or that there was a Fat Men's Club in New York whose members had to weigh more than 200 kg and learn a secret handshake and password? These and many other facts open a window into the past for us. Before you a selection of archival photographs that are worth seeing at least once a life.

1. White Protesters Join the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, August 1963

2. Samson Beaver with his wife Leah and their daughter Frances Louise of the Stoney tribe, 1907

3. American soldier, 1918

4. A native demolishes a monument to the Spanish conquistador Diego de Mazariegos on the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America. Chiapas, Mexico, 1992

5. Maori women from New Zealand, 1902

6. Reporters who exposed the Watergate scandal watch President Nixon resign, 1974

7. French actress and animal rights activist Brigitte Bardot poses with a seal in Newfoundland, Canada, March 1977.

8. Twenty-year-old Arifa guards her village from the Mujahideen, Afghanistan, 1987

9. Three guys on their way to Palestine after being released from Buchenwald concentration camp. The girl on the left is from Poland, the boy in the center is from Latvia, girl on the right - from Hungary, 1945

10. Albert Einstein at age 5, Munich, 1884

11. An engineer connects one of the first IBM computers, 1958

12. Gas station in Germany, 1958

13. Saami, Finland, 1917

14. Motorized chariots at a carnival in New South Wales, 1936

15. Bodybuilder Relna Brewer rips through a phone book, 1938

16 Titanic survivors Marjorie and Charlotte Collier in New York, 1912

17. Actress Tippi Hedren on the set of The Birds, 1963

18. Indian chief discusses with officers the construction of the Harrison Dam, North Dakota, 1946

19. Forever stuck in the Antarctic ice ship "Endurance", 1915

20. Member of the Polish underground resistance Henrik "Khenyuta" Vechorek on the last day of the Warsaw Uprising, October 2, 1944 of the year

21. Japanese samurai in armor, 1867

22. On the set of the movie "Godzilla", 1998

23. Crow boy, 1910

24. Peanut seller, 1890

25. "Mermaids" on the set of the film "Peter Pan", 1924

26. Jacob White Eyes, Iron Tail and Buffalo Bill Cody in Café Greco in Rome during Buffalo Bill's show tour of Europe in 1890 year

27. Air-conditioned lawn mower, 1950

28. Japanese woman in an unusual headdress 1870-1890s

29. Actor Toshiro Mifune and director Akira Kurosawa on the set of the film "Seven Samurai", 1954

30. Mexican President Porfirio Diaz in front of the Aztec solar calendar, 1910

31. San Francisco, destroyed to the ground by an earthquake and subsequent fire. Photo taken from an airship, 1906

32. Employee of the "Women's Auxiliary Territorial Corps" Miss Elizabeth Emery calculates the firing range of the 428th battery coastal artillery. Dover, UK, 1942

33. The future King Charles III on the balcony of Buckingham Palace after the coronation of his mother in 1953

34. Miners at the Serra Pelada gold mine in Brazil, 1980s

35. Burlesque artist Eliza Blasina, 1800s

36. Ham is the first chimpanzee astronaut to return from his legendary 16-hour flight in 1961.

37. Diane Keaton and Al Pacino on the set of The Godfather in 1972

38. Annie Edson Taylor in this very barrel went down Niagara Falls, autumn 1901

39. Samurai, Japan, Edo period, 1865

40. First Tour de France, 1903

41. Testing of a prototype suit designed for Apollo Moon landing program, Mojave Desert, California, 1962 year

42. Apollo 13 splashdown in the South Pacific, April 17, 1970

43. Queen Sophia of Greece, 1915

44. Santa Claus rides a motorcycle down Oxford Street in London, England, December 17, 1949.

45. Chippendales Nightclub, Los Angeles' first strip club, 1979

46. A man in a spacesuit holds a beaker of boiling water in vacuum chamber simulating a height of 20 kilometers, February 8, 1953

47. Dunckley stroller, London, England, 1930

48. Japanese acrobats, circa 1900

49. Tea drinking tourists on top of one of the pyramids of Giza, 1938

50. Work on the bas-relief of George Washington on Mount Rushmore, South Dakota, USA, 1932

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