russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for June 7

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
8 June 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- This is the situation on the left bank

Naked Pier, Oleshki, Solonetsy, Korsunka, Krynki, Cossack Camps - many settlements spent the night just like that

With children and animals on the roof

- Dynamics of water discharge from the Kakhovka reservoir

- The Swiss Senate approved an amendment to the law allowing the re-export of weapons to Ukraine.

- Turkish President Erdogan proposes to create an international commission to investigate the explosion at the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station in Ukraine in telephone conversations with Putin and Zelensky.

The President of Turkey proposes that experts from Turkey and the UN be included in the commission.

- Kadyrov said that his troops received Tiger armored vehicles purchased from China by Shaanxi Baoji Special Vehicles Manufacturing.

This is the first known armored vehicle purchased by the Russian Federation from China since the beginning of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

- Russians record-breaking refusal to go to Crimea.

Demand for summer rental housing in Crimea fell to 1%. For the first time since 2014.

- There is no zoo in Nova Kakhovka.

Rossmi figured out how to justify the death of animals in the zoo "Fairy Dubrava". They just say the zoo didn't exist.

- "Millions of tons of water that will instantly wash away Kyiv"

Russian military correspondents now dream of sinking the capital of Ukraine by blowing up the Kyiv dam.

- "Dead old men float down the street"

The situation in Gola Pristan, which is on the left bank of the Dnieper and is under Russian occupation.

- In Belgorod, the Russians came out to "protest" ( against the RF Ministry of Defense because they cannot protect them from the RFC.

- Why does Russia want to blow up the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant and why does it need it?, — Daily Mail.

If Ukrainian troops break through the defenses of the Russian army in the south, then the catastrophe at the nuclear power plant could help slow down or stop the offensive. The ZNPP explosion will force Ukrainian troops to cope with the consequences, which will certainly affect large cities.

The Kremlin can use this as a way to put pressure on the West without resorting to nuclear weapons.

- Kim Jong-un banned suicide in North Korea, calling it "a betrayal of socialism", — Mirror.

The dictator ordered ( local governments to take serious action after rising suicide rates across the country. According to intelligence, there has been a spike in civilian suicides in the country. The number of suicides this year has increased by 40% compared to last.

Well, as I understand it, the punishment will be the death penalty?

- A group of NATO countries is ready to send troops to Ukraine, — The Guardian.

If NATO ( fails to agree on a clear path forward and security guarantees for Ukraine, there is a possibility that some countries may take action on a case-by-case basis. Poland may be one of those countries.

Poland may be followed by other Baltic countries, which will place their troops in Ukraine.

- In rushka prthe contest "Mrs. Russia" was held, which ended ambiguously, even the Russians were in shock.

The husband of the winner — a billionaire who has a whole business empire. One of Roman's firms was the sponsor of the competition.

Well, you can immediately see the face of Russia.

- The people and the army are united!

- Ahh, there it is

- The editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta Europe writes from Brussels

- Lukashenka pardoned Russian woman Sofya Sapega — BELTA

The pardoned Sofia Sapega was handed over on June 7 to the delegation of the Primorsky Territory, headed by Governor Oleg Kozhemyako

- Belarusian Yana Pinchuk, extradited by Russia, was sentenced to 12 years in prison for participating in the creation of opposition telegram channels. BBC News.

Yana Pinchuk was sentenced to 12 years in prison, according to the telegram channel created in her support. She was accused under five articles of the Belarusian Criminal Code - in the creation or participation in an extremist formation, actions against national security, inciting hatred, riots and the creation of a terrorist organization or participation in it.

24-year-old Pinchuk was detained in November 2021 in St. Petersburg. In June 2022, a St. Petersburg court allowed her to be extradited to Belarus, where she faced up to 19 years in prison for participating in the creation of the opposition telegram channels Vitebsk 97%, Orsha 97% and Novopolotsk and Polotsk 97%, recognized in Belarus extremist.

The Second Court of Appeal in St. Petersburg refused to suspend the extradition, and in September the Belarusian prosecutor's office announced her extradition. The Russian authorities also refused to grant Pinchuk temporary asylum; she was in a pre-trial detention center until she was extradited.

- On the consequences of the destruction of the dam of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station

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- Harvesters are being destroyed like Leopards-2, Mohajer-6 over the Crimea like Ukrainian drones, the invaders are already shooting at everything that moves

In Crimea, the occupying authorities hurried to brag that they shot down a Ukrainian drone jammed by electronic warfare. However, it turned out that the Russians hit their Iranian-made Mohajer-6 unmanned aerial vehicle.

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