russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for December 1

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
2 December 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Russia is probably preparing a new massive strike against Ukraine

The German edition Der Spiegel publishes satellite images from Maxar Technologies and Planet Labs showing almost two dozen Tu-95 and Tu-160 long-range bombers at the Engels-2 airfield in Saratov.

Fuel tankers, ammunition crates, vehicles and repair materials, as well as cargo planes that were able to deliver cruise missiles there have been spotted.

- Something interesting is happening in the Kherson region: the number of Russian military and military equipment in the village of Oleshky has decreased, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports.

Enemy troops have been withdrawn from separate settlements of the Kherson region and dispersed in the forest belts along the section of the Oleshki-Golaya Pristan highway.

- Meanwhile, there is no panic in Dzhankoy in Crimea. But for some reason they are preparing for defense.

- Loboda can perform for the Russians in Dubai without any problems. The fact that the customer – katsap calmly compensates the fee in € 100k.

- The battle for Bakhmut could become the most brutal of the war, – Newsweek (

- The deficit of power system capacity decreased to 20%. In all regions of Ukraine, scheduled or emergency shutdowns continue today.

- In Belarus recognized as "extremist" Arestovich's social networks.

- Three more parcels with bombs were found in Spain, reports ( El Mundo. One of them was sent to the Ministry of Defense, the other – to Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, the third to the air base.

- The Deputy Chief Engineer of ZNPP has betrayed Ukraine and is cooperating with the Russians, Energoatom reported. SE President Petr Kotin urged ZNPP workers not to sign anything with the Russians and Rosatom; and said that Deputy Chief Engineer of ZNPP Yuriy Chernichuk had betrayed Ukraine and agreed to cooperate with the occupiers.

- Switzerland froze Russian assets worth almost $8 billion. In addition, 15 real estate objects of Russians in six cantons were arrested, the Ministry of Economy of the country reported.

- The European Commission has proposed to 27 EU countries to adopt a price ceiling for Russian oil at $60 per barrel, The Wall Street Journal reports.

- Russian ships in the Black Sea collect intelligence for a potential strike, — head of the press center OK "South" Natalia Gumenyuk. She noted that enemy missile carriers are already equipped and prepared, and the fact that they enter base points from time to time may indicate a response to weather, including a storm.

- The SBU told about the suspicion to the priest from Lavri, who was glorified at the service "Russian world".

In the course of the pre-trial investigation, the fact of wrongful actions of one of the clergymen was establishedyogo spilnikov, yak took part in your service. It is confirmed by vindicated expert opinions.

- Snowdrops are not the same now

- Russia's losses in Ukraine amount to about 200 thousand killed and wounded, Mikhail Podolyak, adviser to the head of the Presidential Office, said.

«According to our data given by the General Staff and the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, today there are about 90,000 dead from the Russian army. This figure is certainly rounded. Irreversible losses, including sanitary ones (wounded, amputees, serious illnesses, prisoners of war, missing) - this figure is close to 200 thousand irreversible losses, – he noted.

- 50 Ukrainian defenders returned home from Russian captivity, reports Andriy Yermak.

- We flew! Two Russian pilots killed in Armenia

Today, December 1, in the vicinity of the village of Jraber, Kotayk region, the plane B55 crashed. The plane caught fire after the crash. Two Russian pilots died on the spot.

Local agencies publish photos from the place of emergency.

- #losses of invaders as of 01.12

+ 560 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:
Major Policeman Efimov Evgeniy

Senior Lieutenant Rinat Bogdanov

Maxim Petrov from Chuvashia stole a TV set. For his exploits he received three years of which he served two and decided to take a chance. He enrolled in PMC "Dembel" (Wagner) and left for Ukraine. According to tradition, he was pardoned ahead of schedule.

- Russia has no chance to plunge Ukraine into darkness, says the head of DTEK Maxim Timchenko. Power engineers cope with critical situations. After the shelling in a number of regions, power supply was restored within a few hours, and in some – in several days.

- Freezing Mariupol. Several thousand people stand in line for electric heaters.

The narrow world in all its glory.

- The Russians are withdrawing separate units in the Zaporozhye region, the General Staff reports. The personnel of the occupation administrations are also being trained for evacuation. For example, units that were based near the local police station and one of the educational institutions left Mikhailovka.

- Belarus is slowly leaving the clutches of the Kremlin? The country withdrew from the Council for Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS Member States, as reported by the Minister of Information of the Republic of Belarus Vladimir Pertsov.

- Joe Biden said he would negotiate with Putin only when Russia wants to end the war:

“Putin must leave Ukraine, this is number one. As long as he doesn't want to. He pays a very high price for not doing this. But I don’t have a plan to contact Putin,” – said the President of the United States.

- The Cabinet of Ministers of Italy adopted a decree continuing the supply of weapons to Kyiv for the whole of 2023 ucraina-nuove-misure-ischia-ae50ee80-719f-11ed-ac64-455b100c2edd.shtml) Corriere della Sera.

- Where and how Putin's bunkers were built: an investigation. The blond-haired dictator has an official and unofficial bunker system. OfficialThis system is handled by a separate power structure, which is personally subordinate to the Fuhrer. The builders who built the bunkers built both tunnels and private vaults for it. For example, in Moscow, the depth of the tunnels reaches 200 m. Journalists also discovered that one of the bunkers is located in Mount Yamantau in the secret Ural town of Mezhgorye. In recent months, work there has intensified.

- Dzhankoy ... Ukraine ... the city is preparing for defense ..

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