Al Pacino no longer wants children and demanded a DNA test (3 photos)

5 June 2023

It seems that the story is about Al Pacino and his young lady, who is about to give birth to a child for him, risks turning into a full-fledged star a series with scandals, intrigues and... a DNA test.

The tabloids write that the 83-year-old actor was 100% sure that cannot have children. Pacino's friends say he was shocked to find out that he will soon be a dad again. And he knew about it only two months ago (recall that Nur Alfalla is in her eighth month). Actor demanded a prenatal DNA test. Alpha agreed. Test revealed that the father is Al Pacino.

According to friends, Pacino is upset, the children are not in his plans. were included. Moreover, Alfalla knew about it. Indeed, they say they don't really meet. Nur Alfalla met Pacino shortly before the pandemic. And she found a way to his heart through the 22-year-old daughter of the actor Olivia. Noor and Olivia were inseparable, "rich old man hunter" almost did not get out of the star mansion. She spent all the lockdowns there. And as soon as the lockdowns ended, the relationship between Pacino and Alfalla became gradually fade away. Finally, they completely stopped talking, and now on you - Al, you will soon become a dad!

Nur Alfalla

The environment of the legendary actor Alfalla does not like it. She and her family has a bad reputation. For example, Alfalla's father in 2017 was found guilty of underpaying the state nearly $1 million in taxes. And recently it went bankrupt. Perhaps the daughter decided to help her father at the expense of Pacino's capital?

By the way, about the big difference in age. That's what Al Pacino's previous girlfriend Meital Dohan said in an interview (they broke up at the beginning of 2020, she was then 39 years old):

With a man at such a venerable age is very difficult, even though it's Al Pacino. I tried to deny it but he is now a very old man. The age difference is hard. So even with all my love, our relationship could not last long continue.

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