Injustice from mother nature: 10 animals with the shortest life expectancy (12 photos)

Category: Nature, PEGI 0+
26 May 2023

The world of wildlife is full of secrets and unexpected discoveries. But sometimes these discoveries are sad. Some animal species seem incredible longevity compared to the average human life.

However, there are those creatures that live incredibly short lives. human standards. Have you ever wondered how long bees live, For example? We have compiled a sad list of animals whose duration life is unexpectedly short.

Hedgehog - 3-5 years

In the wild, hedgehogs live for about 3-5 years. At home, life expectancy may be slightly longer.

Octopus - 1-3 years

There are many types of octopus, but on average lifespan of different species in their natural habitat varies from one to three years. For rare centenarians - 5 years.

Hamster - 2-3 years

Everyone who has kept a hamster at home knows that these fluffies, unfortunately, do not live very long. On average 2-3 years.

Malinovka - 1 year

These round birds live a little over a year. A rare long-lived robin can last up to two years.

Chameleon Laborda - 4 months to a year

Most chameleon species live between 5 and 10 years, but Chameleon Laborda was a sad exception. They live 4-6 months in average. The maximum is a year.

Worker bees and fruit flies - a little over a month

With these two insects, the story is more complicated. On them Life expectancy is influenced by too many factors. Various sources worker bees are attributed different life spans (from 17 days to 40 days). Fruit flies also live a little more than a month.

Southern barn moth - less than a month

This creature is a dangerous pest that poses a serious threat to food stocks in storage and in food companies. But this threat lives less than a month. On average from 6 to 19 days. Rare individuals live up to 28 days.

Saturnia moon - week

Saturnia moon (or lunar moth, or lunar moth) lives only 7 days.

Gastrociliary worms - a few days

These invertebrates live in the water and live an average of 3 to 20 days.

Mayfly - a few hours

Life expectancy is several hours. The rarest individual can live more than a day.

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