What the ideal man and woman look like according to neural networks (7 photos)

23 May 2023

The experiment showed that artificial intelligence programs, who study billions of images on social networks, see the perfect man and woman in a very specific way. They are muscular, slender people with olive skin, women in 40% of cases are blonde, men in 70% dark-haired cases.

That is, gentlemen really prefer blondes, and the ideal man should be tall, swarthy and handsome?

The experiment was carried out by an awareness group eating disorders Bulimia Project. have been tested artificial intelligence image generators, including DALL-E 2, Stable Diffusion and Midjourney. The goal is to show how neural networks imagine the ideal physique and appearance of women and men.

AI works by browsing the Internet looking for already existing images and creating a new image based on those results. Since we only see the end result and not the process, it is unclear exactly how the AI arrives at this result. But it is considered that such programs take into account the interaction with photos uploaded to social networks, including likes and comments, as well as search requests on the Internet.

Most of the results seemed to play up outdated beauty standards.

In 40% of cases, in the images of “ideal” women, neural networks given out blondes, in 30% of cases brown-eyed and in more than 50% of cases tanned and swarthy.

Nearly 70% of "ideal" men had brown hair, and 23% have brown eyes. The vast majority of men had olive skin and almost half of them had facial hair.

The black "ideal" people of the program were given out much less than whites, which seems to indicate some bias artificial intelligence.

Many bodies were hypertrophied slender or muscular, facial features - almost cartoonish, plump lips, full lack of wrinkles and pores on the face, perfect noses, etc. - that is, what plastic surgery advertises. Solid gloss and very little naturalness.

The Bulimia Project report concluded:

In the era of filters for editing photos and videos, no one person cannot reach the physical standards set by social networks. So why try to match these unrealistic ideals? Much more correct in terms of mental and physical health do not exaggerate expectations and stick to reality.

Everything is correct. Down with glamorous standards of beauty! And then schoolgirls because of them depression can happen.

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