30 examples of ridiculous designs that make you want to cry and laugh (31 photos)

23 April 2023

We all have different tastes when it comes to design and housing arrangement. But some examples are slightly strange and contradictory. Looking at them, I want to either laugh at the absurdity, or whether to cry, because it occurred to someone - and perhaps it was even professional designers. Let's take a look at selected examples strange design that raises many questions.

1. You can break your brain and legs on this ladder.

2. Mismatch

3. Here you need to look twice ..

4. There is no way out

5. "Trust me, I'm an architect..."

6. Another super-modern staircase

7. Even if something goes wrong, you can always get out

8. When you try to do better, but it turns out as usual

9. A perfectionist's nightmare

10. Pandas are everywhere!

11. Someone put this fireplace in the middle

12. Well, everyone has their own tastes.

13. Somehow not very

14. For soulful conversations

15. Homemade chairs

16. "When the third tenant didn't pay on time.."

17. Mirror bath

18. Vegetarian Fridge

19. Compact

20. Creepy table

21. But with your own hands

22. Homemade locker

23. It seems that someone goes to Ikea too much ..

24. Ladder for risky

25. Oh, these homemade things ..

26. Bath, you're drunk, go home

27. Take care of your eyes!

28. Never Forget Your Measurements

29. I just want to redo

30. Toilet on the stairs. Well, you never know, impatient

1 comment
24 April 2023
2 169 comments
щось мені здається що в адресі на останню картинку є якась помилка laughing
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxedsmirk

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