Is it possible to live without brains?: a mysterious story about a patient from France

Category: Health, PEGI 16
19 April 2023

When a person is called "brainless", what is meant is that he is very stupid. After all, the brain is the main regulatory organ. our body, which controls all our thoughts and movements. Therefore, any damage to it will lead to the saddest consequences. So without a brain, we can't ... or not? think about it makes a mysterious story about a patient from France who baffled the doctors.

Back in 2016, a 44-year-old man went to the hospital with weakness in the leg. But during the examination, something very strange. His skull was full of fluid, and only a thin layer of brain brain tissue. Roughly speaking, the Frenchman did not have 90% of the brain, but at the same time he lived a normal life. The man has a family and a normal job. His IQ was 84, which is slightly below average. Doctors noted that he does not have high intelligence, but at the same time the French socially adjusted, despite the fact that he lacks most of the brain.

That's it.

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