A selection of videos of rocket attacks, shelling in Ukraine. Issue 93

9 February 2023

Constant shelling and missile attacks that occur in Ukraine. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

In the city of Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod region, a fire occurred at the Lukoil oil refinery

A fire occurred at the Edge Autonomy drone manufacturing plant in Latvia.

Including reconnaissance drones supplied to Ukraine for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In Novaya Kakhovka, Bavovna flew into a yacht club

According to locals, we are talking about the Maxmarine yacht club, where Russians love to hang out.

A selection of videos of rocket attacks, shelling in Ukraine. Issue 93

Occupied Makeyevka, main gas pipeline

What saved us was that furniture fell on us. Thanks to her we stayed alive

This is not a horror film, this is an eyewitness account of today's shelling of Kharkov by Katsap pigs.

The blow hit the university building and a residential building. As of now, five people are known to be injured.

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