Ancient sandals with wishes for women found in Turkey (2 photos)

Category: Archeology, PEGI 0+
16 April 2023

During the excavation of the harbor of Theodosius on the coast of the Sea of Marmara archaeologists have found 1600-year-old women's sandals and a comb. On the sole of the shoe the master applied a sweet and touching inscription.

The following was written in Greek on the sandals wish: "Wear for health, ladies, wear for beauty and happiness."

Excavations were carried out on sunken ships. It was supposed that these ships could sink during a hurricane, tsunami or other natural Disasters. It is possible that the ships were simply abandoned after how they served theirs. The sea sand that filled the harbor protected and kept the ships from destruction.

The rapid burial of ships created an anoxic environment, which rigging tools and objects are well preserved everyday items: combs, leather sandals, straw baskets and wooden plates. A number of fragments were also found around the harbor sunken ships and items from earlier eras, Arkeonews writes.

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